Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Gotta love New England. Never at a loss for interesting weather. It's snowing like crazy right now, much to the dismay of Peter, who was outside in the back yard trying to get a tan last week. I wouldn't be shocked to see 80 degrees next week. That's just the way it is around here.

I rode my bicycle to work Thursday and Friday last week, the first of the year. I probably would have done it sooner, but had health issues that kept me from wanting to stress myself. They have essentially gone away, and I'm back in business.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Now I've done it. I posted something at, which is entitled "The Silent Penultimate Panel Watch" where "each and every day a comic strip abuses the use of the silent second-to-last panel". An interesting concept, and certainly a well-defined subject.

If anyone actually reads my comment, they might be directed here, so it's probably polite to start posting things here. Years have passed...

I'll come up with something soon, I'm sure.

Monday, February 27, 2006

And now it's been almost 2 years since the last post. It must be time for some news.

Coming soon...