Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chorus activities continue

This will be a busy week of singing. Special rehearsal in the afternoon for "sectionals" - I'm in charge of the tenors. Tomorrow night is our regular CCSB rehearsal night, Tuesday in York for the SCC, Wednesday night a special CCSB rehearsal at Berwick Academy, and then concerts Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

That's on top of work, possible x-country skiing on Thursday, and a monthly board of directors meeting for a non-profit, where I am also treasurer.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today I sang at a memorial service for a wonderful man (photo includes his wife talking to a friend at a 2007 Christmas party). I only met him a couple of times, but know that he was a very nice man who loved his music. Those who knew him well have only the kindest words for him.
His obituary says:
"For 47 summers, he was the organist at Trinity Episcopal Church in York Harbor, and for 30 of those years he was also the choir director. He was also the choir director and organist at First Parish Congregational Church in York for 17 years. He was a member of the American Guild of Organists and the Seacoast Community Chorus."

He planned the entire service to the tiniest detail, in a multi-page letter. Very interesting!

The service was wonderful, moving, and very musical, as he would surely have wanted.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Josh and Papa's pants

Who is this young man in white pants?

You might be suprised to hear that he once was highly rated on "hot or not".

Don't they ever delete things from that site? Here's the link from 2002!

Official Rating 5.9 based on 131 votes
He checked his score:60 months ago

Snowy Friday - Late March

Definitely not a good day to be on a bike. (Please excuse the formatting - I didn't want to spend too much time on it)

24 Hour Summary
Time EST---------Temp----Dew Pt Pressure WindMPH Weather
11 AM Mar 28----32.9 ----31.3----29.89----NE 10 snow; fog
10 AM Mar 28----32.7 ----31.5----29.89----NE 13 light snow; mist
9 AM Mar 28----32 -------32 ----29.89----NE 9 light snow; fog
8 AM Mar 28----32.5 ----31.5----29.9 ----NE 8 snow; fog
7 AM Mar 28----32.5 ----31.5 ----29.9----NE 9 light snow; mist
6 AM Mar 28 ----32.4----31.5----29.93 ----NE 5 snow; fog

Rest of Today
Snow through early afternoon...then snow likely. Total accumulation of 3 to 6 inches. Highs in the mid to upper 30s. Northeast winds around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Trouble afoot

Nice biking weather coming up. From the National Weather Service:

A Mix Of Rain And Snow Will Develop Late This Evening Or Shortly After Midnight Near The Connecticut River Valley... Spreading Into Southern Maine Late Tonight. As The Precipitation Falls More Heavily... It Will Change To Snow As Temperatures Hover Near Or Just Below The Freezing Mark. The Snow May Fall Heavily At Times Late Tonight And Friday Morning. The Snow Is Expected To Taper Off During Friday Afternoon.
At This Point... It Appears As Though A Large Portion Of Southern New Hampshire And York County Maine May Receive 6 Inches Or More Of Snow. Since There Is Still Some Uncertainty Regarding The Final Track Of The Low... It Is Possible That Areas Further North Could Receive Heavy Snow As Well. The Snowfall Forecast Will Be Refined This Afternoon.
If You Have Travel Plans Late Tonight Or Friday In This Area... Stay Abreast Of The Latest Forecast... As Travel Could Become Difficult Due To Heavy Snow.

We'll see how this plays out...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter date peculiarities

This year, the March 23 date for Easter is the earliest it has been since 1913, and it won't be this early again until 2228 according to what I've seen reported. The earliest possible date is March 22, and that hasn't happened since 1818 and won't happen again until 2285.

The latest it can fall is April 25, which happened in 1943 and will occur again in 2038.

2038 also happens to be when, on January 19 at 03:14:08 UTC (the evening of the 18th here in Eastern US), the Unix operating system date/time, using the POSIX system, will "wrap around" back to what represents December 13, 1901.

There is thought that this might require efforts similar to those taken to avert problems when January 1, 2000 came around. Though many think there wasn't a problem back then, it only appeared that way due to the tremendous coordinated efforts of thousands of people coding, testing, and monitoring systems around the world. I can attest to the hard work required!

Let's hope 2038 passes smoothly, as I will be 87 in January that year (if I'm still around, of course), and hope that I won't be hooked up to some machine that decides to fail...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Windy day!

It's clear, but very windy today. In fact, gusts could be around 50 mph.
I decided not to ride my bicycle to work, to avoid being hit by blowing
objects or running into fallen branches. There will be plenty of better
days coming soon.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I'm back!

Let's see if we can get this thing going again, if only for my future reference. Memory is a fleeting thing, and it's interesting to me to read what happened over the months/years.

1) Hoping to go to a Red Sox game in Cincinnati with Bob and Cindy in June. Waiting for word from Keith on potential tickets...

2) Planning for a day of cross-country skiing somewhere up north in early April with Mike.

3) Getting back into biking to work now that the snow has receded somewhat. I'm working only 4.7 miles from home now, so it's not the long travail that it was in previous days. Shorter trips, but I can ride almost every day I don't have a scheduling conflict. Rain isn't too much of a problem, but heavy fog can be.

4) Working on the SCC blog ( to get that group into the semi-modern world of the internet.

5) Webmastering CCSB's web site (, keeping up with their news.

Lots of other things, as well, so I have to move on.