Saturday, March 08, 2008

I'm back!

Let's see if we can get this thing going again, if only for my future reference. Memory is a fleeting thing, and it's interesting to me to read what happened over the months/years.

1) Hoping to go to a Red Sox game in Cincinnati with Bob and Cindy in June. Waiting for word from Keith on potential tickets...

2) Planning for a day of cross-country skiing somewhere up north in early April with Mike.

3) Getting back into biking to work now that the snow has receded somewhat. I'm working only 4.7 miles from home now, so it's not the long travail that it was in previous days. Shorter trips, but I can ride almost every day I don't have a scheduling conflict. Rain isn't too much of a problem, but heavy fog can be.

4) Working on the SCC blog ( to get that group into the semi-modern world of the internet.

5) Webmastering CCSB's web site (, keeping up with their news.

Lots of other things, as well, so I have to move on.

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